April 2020

April 2020

AVP Scenario Planning Tool: Setting up your business for post-crisis recovery

Decision-making in a Complex and Ambiguous Environment: Setting up your business for post-crisis recovery

A natural approach to decision-making in high uncertainty situations is to:

  1. Collect and review any meaningful intelligence as fast as possible to get valuable input and guidance
  2. Consider possible scenarios, i.e. how the outside world may develop, what this would mean for us, and what we would do if either scenario was to materialize
  3. Evaluate all available data and “what ifs”, decide on a general set of assumptions and a course of action
  4. Thereafter, make consistent decisions (small and large), which will steer you in the right direction

AVP Scenario Planning and Strategy Sharpening Proposition

To work through these steps with the key management team in a structured and fast approach, AVP has developed a dedicated scenario development and planning process backed by its established business intelligence and expert knowledge.

Our scenario planning proposition is based on (a) understanding the world a business operates in, and (b) developing views on alternative worlds that a business may be operating in. Key business stakeholders will actively participate in developing alternative scenarios and assessing a potential impact each of them will have on their operations, finances and other. With input from AVP’s business intelligence practice, businesses will identify their blind spots, evaluate consequences and get asked the right questions to navigate through the possible alternative worlds and to develop a sound framework (a sharpened strategy)  for “coming out of the Covid-19 crisis and speeding up in the new breeze”.

All process steps and workshops are held on-line, and participants are connected remotely. Therefore, the AVP Scenario Planning and Strategy Sharpening proposition is highly efficient and adaptable as to the number of involved team members and their location.

To discuss the AVP Scenario Planning proposition or how it can benefit businesses, please contact Suejean Asato to make an appointment: sj.asato(at)avp-group.net.

For a snapshot, click the link below.

April 2020

COVID-19: ICFG Key Message #1

ICFG is positioned at 3 different stages of the COVID-19 crisis, with Partners located across the globe from Hong Kong to the USA, and a dense presence across Europe.

Each week, ICFG is trying to mobilize an “around the world” perspective to identify an emerging set of best practices aimed at overcoming this sharp curve, from a pragmatic and hands-on perspective.

ICFG is happy to share the evolving key takeaway messages below.

April 2020

2020 Edition Worldwide Market Share Analysis of Thermal Waste Treatment Plants Now Available

Worldwide award volume for Energy from Waste (EfW) plants in 2019 shows a mixed picture in the different regions . While EMEA showed approx. 23% growth, the global volume decreased due to lower recorded awards in the Chinese market.

Read more

April 2020

ICFG Clients Use Skills to Support the Covid-19 Effort

AVP would like to thank ICFG clients who are utilizing their skills and technology to support the battle against the global pandemic: Chargeurs started producing hydroalcoholic solutions for healthcare professionals and critical sectors, as well as providing protective masks in industrial mass quantities. UAP Limited are now using their 3D printers to manufacture laser cut gadgets designed by Automotive and Manufacturing Advanced Practice to allow people to open doors without having to touch handles.

For more information, click on the link below.